have lived in Trimeryevaaryam on the northern hemisphere of Intaki Prime for a very long time now, my family has
long lasting ties with the town, owning, most of it and its surrounding lands. Well I say own but one would probably be more correct
to say we are its stewards.
groves that lie to the west of the town produce much of the local
food and jobs. The population of the area, is a majority
of Intaki residents, with the next largest ethnicity being some Brutor
residents, who have only populated the area in the last
couple of decades.
not an isolated destination as it has nearby rail access to the closest
airport and launch pad, however the only visitors are normally former
residents, returning to visit relatives or residents returning home from there jobs elsewhere on the planet.
There are some small circular groves of compressed trees and vines which
produce much fruit. Their colour contrasts distinctly with the jungle that lingers behind them. The
jungle had once engulfed the whole of the west side of town and it
was my family who cut it back and helped
form the groves.
that time the village, as it was then, got it's food by hunting the
local wildlife or by buying food in from other nearby settlements,
this often meant food was rather sparse. After the formation of the
groves things have improved but with the current rate of population growth
problems are not too far off and we lack the supplies to properly
cultivate more groves.
the north and east lie grass lands dotted with more patches of jungle
and two of the three rivers that give the town it's name, Although
efforts have been made to cultivate this land for herd grazing animal
we have so far not had much success.
the south is the third river which descends from the far off
mountains and through the desert and then through the outskirts of town. This area is not the most pleasant part of town as here is
where the industry takes place in four heavy
engineering factories which to this day are entirely automated. This
is also where the rail station is situated.
Masseri family mansion is presides in the centre of town, a spire of glass and metal the tallest building in town, it is
surrounded by out buildings which once where storage facilities but
now have been re-purposed to serve the needs of the local SOE group.
With my relatives, I and our staff taking up the top three floors the
remaining floors are occupied by the local SOE tactical team and various
members of my crew.
local people are not as fond of my family as they where in the past
this probably is because we are now mostly capsuleer's and this has
definitely put some of the locals on edge however at this time their seems to be no outright aggression towards us and we definitely have
some genuine supporters in the local community.